
Each October, all current and former VLM are invited to gather in Chicago for a weekend of reflection, sharing, and community building. The retreat is a time for VLM to connect to each other by sharing their missionary experiences and to challenge each other to renew their commitment to the Vincentian mission. Retreat activities include private reflection, group activities, large group dialogues, and a liturgy. Each component of the retreat is planned by the VLM director and site coordinators to help assist the VLM in identifying the next steps in their Vincentian journey.

Participants in VLM not only have an incredible experience of service, but they also make friends for life. In addition to the yearly retreat, regional VLM groups also gather for fellowship and service opportunities throughout the year. At the present, there are large groups of former VLM in Chicago, Denver, Minneapolis, New York, St. Louis, and San Francisco.

Mark your calendars! The 2016 retreat will be held October 7-9. We hope to see you there!